Missions With A Heart

Opening Hearts with Gifts of Love

Founder Effie Ehler

In His Wisdom

Written by founder Effie Ehler - 1997

In the year 1987, the women’s ministry under the leadership of Joyce Ayres asked if I would develop a women’s missionary ministry for Westgate Chapel. I was quick to give my answer as I had just retired from 30 years of Sunday School, worked youth camps, and 5 years as a deaconess. I was also recovering from a virus.  In no way was I looking for a ministry and sewing was far from one of my talents. In my mind the subject was closed.

A week or so later in my quiet time, the Lord spoke so clearly, “this time I am asking you!  I want you to take the mission ministry.” Breaking into a cold sweat, “Lord you have to be kidding!  I know nothing about sewing, I know less about how to build a missions ministry”. His promise was “come along side of Me and I will show you”.

The Lord had spoken, there was no way out without disobeying.

In the fall of 1987, we started with four ladies. We worked in our homes. We soon had to move it to the church as there was a great interest. By 1990, we had helped mend 4000 pounds of clothing, served 45 countries, 63 organizations, 102 families, and 192 people with clothing.

Our projects for home missions was:

  1. Crisis pregnancy center in Lynnwood. We provided care for young mothers choosing to keep their babies.
  2. Women’s Refugee Center - Everett Gospel Mission’s.
  3. Providing housing and furniture for missionaries home on leave.
  4. Caring for shut-ins by supplying transportation.

We had one big handicapped, that was making quilts. The ladies did a beautiful job but the process was slow and hard for we had no experience. The Lord came through just like He said He would.

On our opening day of 1990, in walked Jean Schuster with her arms loaded with quilts. “I was wondering if you ladies could use these”. We had never seen this lady before. We truly thought we were seeing an angel. Jean has been with us ever since. She has a great group of ladies, they make quilts as fast as we can get them to the needy.

That was our first big miracle, we have seen many since, for which we are so thankful.

We are now in our 10th year, with 40 workers, 16 to 25 gather at the church the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Some work in their homes, others are a great resource.

Bernie Schuster and Bill Ehler are always there to help us, we are most thankful for the faithfulness and the commitment from all of our workers. The fellowship is so blessed, we know it truly comes from the heart of God. You would be blessed to meet these workers, and see their labor of love.

II Corinthians 3:5–6 not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves; but ours sufficiency is of God, who has made us all ministers.

Praise the Lord!

Addendum By Donna Skoog 


Through the years, when I was able I would occasionally help my mom with some of her sewing projects. In 1995, my schedule allowed me to join them on their sewing days, twice a month. Gradually, mom’s mental health declined and it would be me and my dad keeping the sewing days going. On April 25, 2012, mom was currently in a rehab facility and dad was able to join us for the entire sewing day. Little did we know, that evening he would go home, have his dinner, sit down in his rocking chair, have his evening cookies, and as Enoch - just kept walking into eternity.

At the time, our main thrust of ministry was partnering with Price Ministries ( PriceMinistries.org ) to repair sample clothing for missionaries and making quilts for the mission field. Our projects have expanded as needs have been presented to us. We now include children’s clothing, menstral kits, and a variety of other items. We are also willing to consider whatever project a missionary may request.

One of the agreements mom had with the Lord was that He provide all that was needed. This continues to be a faith based ministry. We do not hold fund raises or send out letters requesting funds. Whereas, we may share a present need, However I always tell the Lord first. And it never ceases to amaze me how that item is donated. Oh the stories we could tell! We can not out give God, He is so faithful!!!

We continue to have anywhere from 15 to 30 individuals working diligently, either at our sewing days or at home. I’m often asked “where is this item going”? My answer is “somewhere around the world, wherever the Lord is sending His workers”.